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Hurricane Hermine Made Landfall In Florida; Is Now A Tropical Storm


Hurricane Hermine made landfall overnight in the Florida Panhandle, with winds blowing 80 miles per hour. The governor urged residents to move into shelters if necessary. But there is something else you can do if you're not at the very worst part of a storm, and David Perez (ph) did it. He's a freshman at Florida State University who recorded himself while walking outside late last night.


DAVID PEREZ: My first week being here, we have a Category 1 hurricane hitting us, and it's super windy outside. And it's, like, actually raining. I wasn't expecting this much of a blow-over from it.


PEREZ: And the doors and the rooms are, like, creaking and, like, moving with the wind. And the date to get into the complex has - it doesn't open anymore.


Perez told us this is the first hurricane that many of the students on campus have experienced. We reached him by phone later, just before the storm made landfall.

PEREZ: Well, it's definitely a lot crazier than it was earlier. The wind is really blowing hard. And it's - and the rain's coming down. The power went out in my dorm building. And I'm just - luckily, I have food that'll get me through it.

MONTAGNE: Well, Hermine's hurricane status isn't supposed to last long. It will drop back down to a tropical storm bringing heavy rain, but, it's hoped, not much more.

(SOUNDBITE OF MUSIC) Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.