An Illinois nonprofit is offering two months' of mortgage or rent payments to help people out during the COVID-19 crisis.
Despite its name, the Tri-County Opportunities Council serves nine rural counties, including Stark, Putnam, LaSalle, Bureau, and Marshall.
"Right now, in our area, nobody's receiving any unemployment yet," said Neddie Watts, TCOC's community services director. "So that's been a really big hardship for everybody. I've received quite a few phone calls from people who own small businesses that have had to close their stores, and they have absolutely zero income coming in."
She said many restaurant workers and beauticians are also seeking help making ends meet.
"On Monday, I probably received about 20 phone calls, and my staff has said that their e-mails are just blowing up," she said.
Applicants must be at 125 percent or less of the federal poverty income guidelines. You must also be under quarantine or show you've lost work due to a business closure. TCOC was allowed to reallocate money by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to help people keep roofs over their heads during the COVID-19 crisis. Go to for more information.
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