David Gill has announced he’s running again for Congress next year, and President Trump is the reason why. The Bloomington emergency room physician says he'll run as a Democrat.
Gill says his problems with Trump go beyond disagreements over policy, and center on the nation’s core values.
"We should not be arguing about freedom of the press, and freedom of speech, and freedom of religion, and whether or not we should have an independent judiciary. It amazes me that we are having those types of arguments. And it’s because of the presence of the gentleman in the White House that we are having those types of arguments," Gill said.
Gill came within a percentage point of defeating incumbent Republican Congressman Rodney Davis in 2012. He blames his narrow loss on an independent candidate on the ballot.
Gill tried to run as an independent himself last year, but could not collect enough signatures to get on the ballot to satisfy an appeal to the U. S. Supreme Court.
Besides Gill, State Representative Carol Ammons and State Senator Andy Manar have also been mentioned as possible Democratic contenders in the 13th Congressional District.
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