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WGLT's reporting on the coronavirus pandemic, which began in McLean County in March 2020.

McLean Co. Sees 4 COVID Deaths, New High In Hospitalizations

Sign posted on fence outside a nursing home
Emily Bollinger
A sign outside Heritage Health in Bloomington honors health care workers.

McLean County health officials said Tuesday four more county residents have died of COVID-19 complications, while hospital capacity has become increasingly strained by a rise in more serious cases.The McLean County Health Department (MCHD) said the four patients who died include a woman in her 70 and a man in his 70s. They were not associated with a long-term care facility. Two others were tied to a long-term care facility--a woman in her 80s and a man in his 90s.

That brings McLean County’s COVID death toll to 73 since the start of the pandemic.

MCHD also indicated a surge in hospitalizations among McLean County residents, to a new high of 29. That’s nearly double from Monday.

Bloomington-Normal hospitals report 92% of their intensive care beds are in use and 83% of total beds are occupied.

MCHD said 1,140 patients are currently isolating at home. 

The county announced 117 confirmed coronavirus cases over the last 24 hours and said 180 more people have recovered. McLean County’s total number of confirmed and probable cases surpassed 10,000 on Monday as officials see hope in a new COVID vaccine that it still likely months away from becoming available to the general population.

Nearly 9,000 McLean County residents have recovered from COVID, according to McLean County data.

The county’s seven-day COVID testing positivity rate rose to 9.6% while the cumulative positivity rate stands at 6.4% based on more than 160,000 tests conducted since the start of the pandemic in March.

Coronavirus - Testing Positivity Rate
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Eric Stock is the News Director at WGLT. You can contact Eric at ejstoc1@ilstu.edu.