Supersuckers returns to Bloomington-Normal to play the Castle Theater on Thursday, Aug. 10.
When Jeff Wilson of North Street Records in Uptown Normal caught wind of that announcement, spins from the band he considers one of his favorite bands ramped up on the store turntable.
It hasn't stopped. Supersuckers formed in Tuscon, Arizona, in the late 1980s, and moved to Seattle in the early 90s. Though present in that city when grunge emerged, Supersuckers didn't fit neatly into the sound made famous by Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains and other bands that defined the "Seattle sound" during that fertile period.
In this edition of "What's On Your Turntable," Wilson played cuts mainly from "La Mano Cornuda," the album many consider to be Supersuckers best studio album. He also explained that Supersuckers performed at the grand opening of his store 14 years ago, a date that came out a friendship Wilson had formed with the band.
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