Two more renewable energy companies have applied to put up solar farms in McLean County.
EDP Renewables of New York wants to build a nearly five-megawatt solar farm east of Central Illinois Regional Airport near Bloomington.
ASD McLean IL Solar III, based in Denver, has applied for a second time to build a two-megawatt solar farm just south of the city. The company received a permit to build in 2018, but that permit expired, according to county building and zoning director Phil Dick.
The county Zoning Board of Appeals will consider the requests during its 7 p.m. meeting Tuesday at the Government Center. If approved, the proposals would go to the McLean County Board for final approval at its Sept. 15 meeting.
Dick said both projects meet the county's zoning requirements, adding it's not clear when either company might begin construction.
The county has approved permits for two other solar projects this year.
The county board approved a five-megawatt solar farm southwest of Bloomington and a two-megawatt farm south of Bloomington in June, after both companies pledged to hire local union workers for construction. Dick said neither project has requested a permit for construction.
California-based Cypress Creek Renewables operates the only solar farm currently operating in McLean County, Moraine Solar, a two-megawatt facility near Downs.
McLean County has seen renewed interest in solar farms after the state of Illinois approved new incentives for solar energy development last year.