Maritza Navar-Lopez
InternMaritza Navar-Lopez is a student reporting intern at WGLT. She joined the newsroom in 2021. She is also a student at Illinois State University's School of Communication.
The Town of Normal is working with Wight & Company to begin the planning and has already gathered input from the community. About 30 community members attended a meeting Tuesday night to provide ideas and concerns as the planning process begins.
The “Gaymer's Night” Saturday night will feature a number of tabletop board games, food courtesy of the Prairie Pride Coalition, and information on local LGTBQ+ resources in the area.
An agreement between the Town of Normal and Santa Claus’ North Pole Headquarters is bringing phone calls from Santa for children in the community.
A recent Illinois State University graduate is pushing for fire safety at apartments in Normal.
Karen Irvin from McLean County Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense says a survivor isn't necessarily always a person who's been injured by a gun incident physically, but anybody whose life has been impacted by gun violence and trauma.
The District 87 school board approved a tax levy plan of more than $45 million at Wednesday night’s meeting. The levy provides roughly 60% of the district’s revenue. Compared to the 2020 extension, the proposed 2021 tax levy reflects a 4.26% increase.
A local organization is looking to expand its numbers as members continue giving back to the community. 100 Women for Good: Bloomington-Normal gathers 100 women to give $100 each, resulting in a total of $10,000 to donate.
COVID cases and quarantines are declining in District 87, as they are in McLean County. According to the District 87 COVID dashboard, nine students tested positive and 29 students were quarantined after being identified as a close contact to a positive case last week.
The Illinois State University community came together Thursday evening with music, tears, and a celebration of life for late student Jelani Day.
District 87 officials Wednesday night approved a budget with a structural deficit of about $3.6 million for the upcoming school year. That is about $2 million less than projected.