McLean County Board Chairman John McIntyre said the selection of committee members is based on their experiences.
Newly-elected board members were sworn in by Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court Chief Judge Kevin Fitzgerald at this morning's special McLean County Board Meeting in Bloomington. McIntyre said bringing in new members to each of the six committees, which oversee 28 departments in the county, gives them an opportunity to delve into their position in the community.
"When a new member comes to our board, it's quite a learning curve," said McIntyre. "There's a lot to do. This is a very busy legislative body, and it takes some time for members to have experience on this board."
Executive Committee Member Erik Rankin expressed disappointment during the meeting, saying McIntyre did not notify board members of committee changes prior to the meeting. Rankin was removed from the Justice Committee after eight years of service. He will remain on the Finance Committee.
Newly-elected McLean County Board Member Jacob Beard said he is looking forward to working in the community for the next four years and has been interested in serving McLean County for a while.
"Well, it was, I guess the accumulation of over a year's worth of work and interest," said Beard. "I'm happy and I'm proud. Today's day one, so I'm looking forward to what we can accomplish just this year and over the next four years."
Beard will serve on the Property and Land Use and Development Committees and said he is optimistic to work with members on both.