The challenger in the Normal Mayoral race is extending his examination of voter signature cards beyond the seven precincts in the partial recount.Marc…
A partial recount in the Normal Mayoral race did not suggest any big errors in the 11 vote win by Mayor Chris Koos.Challenger Marc Tiritilli will have to…
The first day of a discovery recount for the Normal mayoral race revealed no dramatic change in the result.Candidate Marc Tiritilli had requested a…
The Mayor of Normal is not enthusiastic about a formal welcoming cities ordinance. Area groups marched on Bloomington City Hall this week asking for an…
Defeated Normal Mayoral Candidate Marc Tiritilli has begun examining voter registration rolls and comparing them to signatures of people who voted in…
Newly elected and reelected Bloomington aldermen and mayor were officially seated after taking the oath of office, officiated by City Clerk Cherry Lawson.…
The McLean Count State's Attorney's Office will not represent the County Clerk in the upcoming recount of the vote in the race for Mayor of Normal.State's…
The longest serving Town of Normal council member says he was deeply troubled by the recent municipal election.During a news conference at Uptown Station…
The final canvassing of ballots has taken place and incumbent Chris Koos has been re-elected as Mayor of Normal. Koos' margin increased by four votes as…
The number of mail in ballots received in the Town of Normal Mayor's race is up to eighteen, according to the McLean County Clerk's office.13 came in the…