The average price of an existing home sold in Bloomington-Normal this year is $274,895. That's up 44% since 2020.
Bloomington-Normal’s housing market is, at the moment, ruthless. There’s not enough supply and way too much demand, pushing up prices and rents. Now, a group is exploring an idea that’s relatively new to the Twin Cities: a community land trust.
The pace of home sales in Bloomington-Normal is down 15.6% so far in 2023. But prices are up, on average, 6.5%.
The incoming CEO of Bloomington-based Heartland Bank and Trust says the $5 billion company will seek only growth opportunities that make sense to its core community bank mission.
The frenzied Bloomington-Normal housing market has cooled off, though a local Realtors group says rapidly rising prices might not level off until the middle of 2023.
McLean County’s new supervisor of assessments says the hot housing market means more people might have questions about how their homes are being assessed this year.
The attraction to flexible hours and sizable commissions lured even teenagers into the profession, including 18-year-old Gavin Devore of Bloomington.
Home sales have jumped 12% in McLean and neighboring counties so far in 2021.
In the first three months of this year 589 homes, condos, and zero lot line homes have sold in the Bloomington-Normal area, according to the Mid-Illinois Realtors Association. That’s an increase of 25.6%.
The COVID-19 pandemic is devastating many industries, but the real estate market is thriving in the Bloomington-Normal area.Mid-Illinois Realtors…