The whereabouts of the body of an infant who was reported missing in February remained a mystery Thursday after the infant’s mother was acquitted of concealing a death, based on her mental condition at the time the baby died.
Accusations of child neglect have been proven by the state against a Bloomington mother accused of concealing the death of her infant daughter, a judge ruled on Tuesday in a hearing on the custody of the woman’s two surviving children.
Defense lawyer Brian McEldowney told Judge William Workman that a psychiatrist has deemed 29-year-old Kimberlee Burton mentally unfit, meaning she is unable to understand the criminal charges against her and assist with her own defense.
The state’s child welfare agency had three interactions with Kimberlee Burton before her infant died at home and was reported missing, according to records with the Department of Children and Family Services.
The mother of a missing baby told relatives the child died after falling asleep between her legs. That’s according to McLean County prosecutor Brad Rigdon, who spoke during a bond hearing Friday for Kimberlee Burton.
Kimberlee Burton, 29, of Bloomington, will be charged with concealment of a death related to her daughter Zaraz V. Walker’s disappearance, WGLT has learned.