Mayor Chris Koos says the atmosphere in Washington, D.C., is unsettled, as the flurry of executive orders seeking to chop federal spending continues.
The Town of Normal wants to make progress implementing its new sustainability plan even in a tight fiscal climate.
Former Normal Mayor Dick Godfrey has died. As mayor from 1976 to 1985, Godfrey helped the Town of Normal transition from a small college town into an economically diverse community. He was also mayor during the town's infamous firefighters strike.
The Immanuel Bible Foundation has given its Van Leer Legacy Award to Normal City Manager Pam Reece.
Bloomington's city engineer is retiring. Kevin Kothe will end his career in June after 37-years with the city.
There’s significant interest in filling the county board seat vacated by former board chair Catherine Metsker. Five people have filed applications.
While the City of Bloomington will likely have to cut about 12 jobs per year for "probably at least the next three or four years" to plug a budget hole, the police and fire departments will not be part of any staff reductions, says city manager Jeff Jurgens.
Illinois is among the states with the largest proportion of workers affected by the Social Security Fairness Act.
A planned annual 2% increase in Town of Normal water rates in each of the next six years may not be enough to maintain adequate fund balances.
University High School senior London Wollenweber of Bloomington is a political junkie. London's political hero is the late President Jimmy Carter. And he and his mother just drove down to Plains, Georgia, to pay their respects to the late president.