GOP Rep. Darin LaHood says President Trump's strategy of blocking his staff members from testifying before Congress will not work.
Following a post office renaming ceremony in Normal on Thursday, LaHood said he doesn't see a need for more investigation into the Trump administration. He said the report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller is sufficient and the nation should move on.
But if the Democrat-controlled House goes ahead with requests for current and former Trump staffers to give sworn testimony in investigative hearings, Lahood said the Trump White House should not stonewall to prevent administration staff from appearing.
"I think they'll lose in court on that. I think that we have a system in place, checks and balances, that requires the executive branch to comply when subpoenas are issued by Republicans or Democrats in the House," said LaHood, a Peoria-area House member who represents part of McLean County.
"If the administration refuses to do that, I think they could be on shaky legal ground," said LaHood.
LaHood is also a former federal prosecutor.
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