The Juneteenth celebrations will include a variety of activities, entertainment, and opportunities for community engagement. Bloomington-Normal, Lincoln, and Peoria will each take part in these celebrations.
To mark the end of Black History Month, YWCA McLean County’s Allyship Institute offered a weeklong educational virtual experience that focuses on Black and disabled communities.
The Illinois Board of Higher Education is handing Illinois Wesleyan University more than $5 million for infrastructure. Illinois Wesleyan says it's not sure yet exactly how it will use the money.
Lab Schools director Anthony Jones says said one way to boost diversity is better communication with potential students during the application period early in the year.
State Farm's annual accountability report details efforts the Bloomington-based insurance giant is trying to make across three areas: sustainability in the environment, society, and governance.
The first person of color ever elected to the Normal Town Council will work on race and equity issues on a national stage. The National League of Cities has appointed Chemberly Harris to its new Race, Equity and Leadership (REAL) Council.
Bloomington police have started to focus more traffic enforcement in areas where crashes are most frequent.
Eric Ellis is president and CEO of Integrity Development Corp., a diversity and inclusion consulting firm. He'll be the keynote speaker at the Bloomington-Normal NAACP's Freedom Fund event at 6 p.m. Saturday on Zoom.
The Bloomington-Normal NAACP has invited youth to play an active role in its fight for racial justice.
A Chicago state senator wants to withhold funding from schools that apply dress codes to hairstyles. School associations and the Illinois State Board of Education are worried the bill's punishment mechanism goes too far.