Bloomington's city engineer is retiring. Kevin Kothe will end his career in June after 37-years with the city.
Democratic U.S. Rep. Eric Sorensen said his success rate in getting funding for projects in the district this year is way above average compared with other U.S. congressman.
The Bloomington City Council voted Monday to finalize construction plans for major work on Fox Creek Road and a bridge crossing the Union Pacific Railroad. City leaders also voted to spend another $2 million on this year’s road and sidewalk maintenance programs.
As the new year kicks off, the Town of Normal is looking forward to more capital projects, more equipment purchases, and more economic activity. City Manager Pam Reece said last year was a very busy one with capital improvements and a lot of accomplishments.
The Normal Town Council on Monday adopted a nearly $14.3 million levy for the upcoming fiscal year — about 7% higher than the year before. Normal leaders say significant growth in the town's tax base means the property tax rate will go down slightly, offering taxpayers some relief.
The new policies, for employees not covered through collective bargaining agreements, are expected to cost the town about $250,000 annually.
The Illinois Department of Transportation says it plans to complete $48 million in McLean County road projects yet this year. The six projects are part of the fifth year of the Rebuild Illinois capital program.
Normal intends to redesign the east-west Vernon Avenue corridor, and on Tuesday nearly 100 people came to city hall to learn about the plans.
The town currently has issued special-use permits to three such businesses. Two more are considering applying for similar permits, said Mayor Chris Koos.
The Town of Normal is exploring how to redesign a 1.85-mile stretch of Vernon Avenue, running from Beaufort Street on the west to Towanda Avenue on the east.